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Metal Roof vs Shingles [Which is better and how to know]

When you are thinking about what is the best roof for your home, there are many different things to consider. A metal roof may be a good choice over shingles because they can last longer and give you more protection which will result in less money spent on repairs or replacement of the old ones.

The materials used in metal roofing are steel, aluminum, or copper. These products can be cut and fastened together to make a beautiful pattern over your home.

Which roofing material is best for your home comes down to what you can afford. In some areas of the country, metal roofs may be more expensive than what shingles cost whereas in other parts of the United States it could go either way. Knowing what type you want and researching on price before making a final decision.

Let's take a look at some factors to consider and what will work best for you.

Factors to Consider When comparing Metal roof vs Shingles

When comparing metal roofs vs shingles, there are many things to consider such as price, installation time and difficulty, warranty length, details, upkeep, or maintenance needed after purchase.

Durability: Metal Roof vs Shingles

Shingles might be the popular choice for roofs, but they are not as durable as metal. With shingles, you have to replace them every few decades because of weather damage and tear from wind or ice build-up. Metal roofing is a much more durable option that requires little maintenance over time. In fact, some types of metal roofing can last for up to 50 years.

Initial Cost of Metal Roof vs Shingles

Metal roofs may have a higher initial cost because of how durable they are, but over time you will save money on repairs or replacement costs with metal roofs compared to shingles which only last about 20-30 years. Metal roofs also come with warranties that last 50 years and they are made of corrosion-resistant materials which means you don't have to worry about painting or replacing them as often compared to shingles where repairs can be extensive depending on the damage caused by weather conditions. So overall, when it comes to metal roof vs shingles cost, shingles will cost you more in the long term but metal roofs will cost you more in the short term.

roof shingle

Maintenance: Metal Roof vs Shingles

Metal roofing is easier to maintain than shingles. You will not have to spend time or money replacing, fixing, repairing, or repainting them every few years because the metal roofs are built with corrosion-resistant materials that don't require it. They can stand up against harsh weather conditions so you do not need to worry about wind damage which means fewer roof repairs for you.

Appearance: Metal Roof vs Shingles

Metal roofing is a good choice if you are trying to improve the look of your house from the outside because there are many different colors and designs to choose from when it comes time for installation. If metal roofs don't fit in with your style, shingles might be a better choice for you because they come in a variety of colors and styles to choose from.

Installation Time: Metal Roof vs Shingles

For metal roofs, the installation time is much shorter than shingles because they are built with a factory-prepared design so they can go up quickly. With shingles, you have to wait for materials and then install them yourself. They are also not as easy to put up because of their size and shape which means they may take a little bit longer than metal roofs.

Installation Difficulty: Metal Roof vs Shingles

Metal Roofing requires a professional with experience in the field to install it due to its weight and size. If you try installing metal roofs yourself, you run the risk of damaging your roof which could end up costing you more money down the road on repairs or replacement than hiring a professional for installation. Shingles are much easier to put up because they aren't as complex and they come in smaller pieces compared to metal roofs.

Eco-Friendliness: Metal Roof vs Shingles

If you are trying to be environmentally friendly, a metal roof is a right choice for your home because of its long lifespan and durability which means it does not have to go through landfills or recycling centers very quickly like shingles. Most metal roofs can be recycled and used for different purposes which is not the case with shingles that cannot be reused once they've been installed on your home.

shingle roof repair

Weather Protection: Metal Roof vs Shingles

Metal roofs are a good choice if you live in an area with harsh or extreme weather conditions because they can hold up and protect your home from any type of damage. Metal roofs do not deteriorate as easily under these circumstances which means fewer repairs for you down the road. Shingles, on the other hand, cannot handle extreme weather conditions as well and they are more susceptible to damage from the elements.

Warranties: Metal Roof vs Shingles

Metal roofs come with warranties that last 50 years which means you do not have to worry about paying for repairs or replacements as often. Shingles only offer a warranty of 20-30 years so if they are damaged by weather conditions, your entire roof may need to be replaced instead of repaired because shingles cannot handle the damage well.

Return on Investment: Metal Roof vs Shingles

The return on investment for a metal roof is much higher than shingles because of its durability and long lifespan. You will not have to replace or fix your roof as often which means that you spend less money overall in the long run compared to what you would with a shingle installation. If you are concerned about the initial cost, it might be a better option to get shingles because they are less expensive than metal roofs.

Energy Efficiency: Metal Roof vs Shingles

Metal roofs provide better energy efficiency because of their reflective coating which makes it easier for your air conditioning and heating systems to work more efficiently within your home. The metal roofing material reflects the sun's rays so you do not have to deal with an excess amount of heat inside during warmer weather or colder temperatures in colder months which means that your bills.

metal roofing


Which is better a metal roof or shingles?

A metal roof is a good choice if you want to upgrade your home's exterior with an energy-efficient material that can protect it from harsh weather conditions. With shingles, the installation time may be shorter but they are more susceptible to damage so there tends to be more repairs involved down the road compared to what you would experience with metal roofs.

Is it cheaper to do a metal roof or shingles?

Metal roofs cost more than shingles on average but you will save money in the long run because metal roofs last longer and require less maintenance. Shingles do not hold up as well under extreme weather conditions and they also need to be replaced sooner which means that it requires a lot of upkeep over time compared to what you would expect from a metal roof.

What are the disadvantages of a metal roof?

Metal roofs are more expensive to install and they can be difficult for a DIY project. Metal roofing is also not ideal if you want to re-roof quickly because it takes longer than shingles which means that there will be an additional cost on your part for labor or hiring someone else to do the job.

Why shouldn't you get a metal roof?

While metal roofs are ideal for protecting your home from the elements, they may not be a good option if you cannot afford to spend more on installation or find someone else to do it. It is also challenging as a DIY project and you cannot re-roof as quickly with metal roofs so you will need to factor in the additional costs for labor or if hiring someone else.

Do you need to tear off an old shingle roof before installing a new metal one?

No, if you have a shingle roof, it is not necessary to remove the entire thing and start over. You can install your metal roof on top of what you currently have without having to worry about any problems with stability or leaks at all.

What are some associated costs of metal roofs?

One of the most significant associated costs for metal roofs is tearing out and disposing of the previous material like shingles or a wood roof which can be messy and time-consuming. The metal itself is very durable so there are not going to be any problems with installation, but you have to take everything else into consideration before choosing it as your new exterior material for your home.

Do metal roofs have gutters?

Metal roofs are water-resistant so they do not require gutters. This is one of the reasons why metal roofs are a better option for homes in areas with harsh weather conditions because you can install them without having to worry about needing gutters which will save you from future repair costs.

Can you walk on a metal roof?

Yes, many metal roofs are manufactured and installed in such a way as to be safe to walk across without the worry of damaging the roof. You might mark or scuff the finish or paint on your metal roof, but average foot traffic shouldn't significantly impact the longevity or performance of your metal roof.

Can you put solar panels on top of a metal roof?

Yes, you can install solar panels on top of a metal roof because it is sturdy enough to support the weight. Solar panels are typically placed in areas where they will not be exposed to snow or ice so there shouldn't be too much risk involved with putting them up over your existing metal roof.

Do I need underlayment for a metal roof?

No, there is no need to install an underlayment when you are putting up a new metal roof. Many homeowners will choose to do this because it provides extra protection from the elements and makes the installation of your new material easier but it is not necessary if that doesn't sound like something you want or can afford.

Are metal roofs noisy?

No, it will not be any noisier than what you are currently used to because they can also come with foam insulation that helps to reduce noise. You should expect the same amount of sound as if you were living under your current roofing material so there won't be an increase in volume or anything like that.

Shingles vs Metal Roof Summary

Metal roofing is a better choice for your home if you live in an area with harsh weather conditions, want to stay environmentally friendly, and save money on repairs or replacement costs. Shingles are easier to install but do not hold up as well under extreme weather conditions and they also require more maintenance than metal roofs which means that you can end up spending more money overall.

Contact Southern Roofing Systems for Metal or Shingle Roofing

Southern Roofing Systems specializes in metal and shingle roofing. We strive to help our customers by providing excellent customer service and quality materials at a reasonable price. Give us a call today to estimate the cost for your roof!

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